Dear colleagues,
Glasgow are looking to recruit a new lecturer in private law:-
Please note that we'd like someone who could "contribute to teaching on the proposed new LLB Common Law from 2018 (new courses to be offered in Common Law System and Method; English Criminal Law; English Land Law; Equity and Trusts; Law of Tort; English Contract Law; and the Common Law Tradition)."
Personally, I'd be delighted if we could get an obligations lawyer. But if you know of anyone who would be suitable and interested, I'd be very grateful if you could bring this role to their attention.
Best wishes
Ps I'm happy to discuss this informally with anyone.
Stephen Bogle
Lecturer in Private Law
Room 410, Stair Building,
School of Law
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5577
The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401